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Writer's pictureAlexandra

For the conscious transition between professional and private life: 5 simple mindfulness and relaxation exercises for teachers

The job of a teacher is fulfilling, but also challenging. From preparing lessons to everyday school life and the many tasks after school - there is often little time to give yourself a break and switch off. But it is precisely these moments of mindfulness that are crucial for maintaining your own energy and finding the balance between your professional and private life . In this blog post, I will introduce you to five short mindfulness exercises that you can easily integrate into your everyday life. These exercises will help you reduce stress, clear your thoughts and recharge your batteries.

1. Breathing exercise: The 4-7-8 method

Duration: 3 minutes Benefits: Calming the nervous system and quickly winding down after a stressful day.

Inviting place for a breathing exercise at the seashore on a Majorcan coast in the evening sun
Breathe in, breathe out, ... repeat


  • Sit comfortably, close your eyes and place one hand on your stomach.

  • Breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds.

  • Hold your breath for 7 seconds.

  • Exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds.

  • Repeat this cycle 4-5 times.

Why it works: This breathing exercise has a calming effect on your nervous system and helps you quickly shift from a hectic state of mind to a relaxed one. Especially after a long day of class, this method can help you let go of stress and switch into after-work mode.

2. Relaxation exercise: Progressive muscle relaxation

Duration: 5 minutes Benefits: Relief of physical tension and mental relaxation. Instructions:

  • Sit or lie down comfortably.

  • Breathe in and tense the muscles in your feet, legs, hands, arms, shoulders and face one after the other, hold the tension for 5 seconds and then release. You can combine the release with an audible exhalation.

  • Focus on the feeling of relaxation that comes after releasing the tension.

Why it works: This exercise helps to consciously release muscular tension that has built up due to stress. With this mindfulness and relaxation exercise for teachers you actively focus on the difference between tension and relaxation, which leads to a deep physical and mental calm.

3. Exercise for letting go: Thought clouds

Duration: 4 minutes Benefits: Promotes the release of stressful thoughts and improves mental clarity.

Beautiful beach on Majorca with turquoise sea and light floating clouds.
Thought clouds


  • Sit down comfortably and close your eyes.

  • Imagine that you are observing clouds in the sky.

  • When a thought appears in your mind, place it on a cloud and let the cloud slowly drift away.

  • Observe without judgment how the clouds (thoughts) come and go.

Why it works: This exercise is particularly effective for clearing your head after a busy day. By letting your thoughts come and go like clouds, you practice not holding on to them. This promotes a feeling of lightness and inner freedom.

4. Exercise in silence: One minute of mindfulness

Duration: 3 minutes Benefits: Centering and regaining inner peace in hectic everyday life. Instructions:

  • Sit down quietly and close your eyes.

  • Focus your attention on your surroundings: the sounds, smells, the air on your skin.

  • Be aware that in this moment you simply “are” without having to do anything.

  • Breathe calmly and let each perception pass by without judging it.

Why it works: This simple exercise helps you to be in the moment and take a break from the constant flood of stimuli. By consciously perceiving the silence and the moment, you will quickly find inner peace again.

5. Exercise in motion: Mindful walking

Duration: 5-10 minutes Benefits: Promotes the connection between body and mind and improves emotional well-being.

Woman doing a walking meditation at the seashore on a beach at sunrise
Walking meditation


  • Walk slowly and deliberately, without a specific goal.

  • Focus on the rhythm of your steps, the feeling of the ground beneath your feet and the movement of your body.

  • Breathe in sync with your steps: For example, inhale two steps, exhale two steps.

  • Be aware of your surroundings, but let your thoughts pass by without pursuing them.

Why it works: Mindful walking connects you with your body and grounds you in the here and now. It helps you unwind after a long day at school or before a transition into your personal life and leave the stresses of everyday life behind you.

Conclusion: Small moments of mindfulness and relaxation exercises for teachers with a big impact

As a teacher, you are there for many people every day and have a great responsibility. It is therefore all the more important that you regularly take time for yourself to relax and recharge your batteries. The mindfulness exercises presented are simple, quick and effective - perfect for integrating into your everyday life. Treat yourself to these little breaks to stay balanced not only in your professional life, but also in your private life. Because only if you take good care of yourself can you continue to be there for your students with full energy and joy.



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